Today Judy came in to help me with some of the hair snares, and from the very beginning of the day the sky did not look pleasant at all! It was dark grey with huge clouds that looked like they were just waiting for the right moment to release all the water within.
When Judy arrived we started with the Blackwater Falls State Park sites, and sure enough as soon as we started the rain came! Thankfully we both had out rain coats with us and pushed forward despite the dismal weather. Pendleton Run wasn't productive and we headed over to check out Yellow Birch.
It seemed like the rain was coming in waves and was relentless! The second portion of Yellow Birch was flooded pretty bad from all the rain we have had the past couple of days and today. I knew it would be flooded so I had put my rain boots on but Judy did not have rain boots so she had to walk along the edge of the trail in the shrubbery to avoid walking in the above-ankle deep pools of water. At the end of Yellow Birch we could not cross the river on the Davis Trail like we normally would because it was so high so we turned around and headed back to the van the long way. The only parts of my body dry were my feet and torso and we decided to not move forward with checking our last snare site and headed back into the office cold and very wet!
The river is very swollen!
Judy in the rain!
Me i
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