Monday, August 18, 2014

August 14th -- Moving Camera Day!

Today Judy came, and along with the typical hair snare checking, we moved the camera we had at Pendleton Lake to the #10 hair snare on Yellow Birch.  We decided to do this because 1) we closed Pendleton Lake because it was a non-productive site, and 2) we have confirmed northern flying squirrel hair at the #10 hair snare on Yellow Birch so we want to try to supplement that with photos (plus I would really like to capture at least one more flying squirrel picture before I head back to NY)!

In pulling the camera, I discovered tons of photos, which I was surprised by since the snare, in the whole month it had been there, had never been triggered!  I believe there was at least 60 pictures of mice, there were pictures of deer, raccoons, red squirrels, and even a blue jay -- no flying squirrels though.  I also discovered that the date and time settings on this camera were wrong and said the year was 2011 -- I need to fix that!! 

Judy and I got a few fair hair samples on the Yellow Birch Trail, and came up empty handed on the Blackwater River Road Trail, but all-in-all it was a pretty good day!

 Red squirrel
 Unknown butterfly species on a thistle at Pendleton Lake
 Raccoon butt!! 
 Oh, I caught you Mr. Raccoon! 

 Blue jay -- how cool to catch a photo of one with a trail camera!
 more raccoon
White-tail deer buck, in velvet!

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