Canaan Loop Road site - trap 1 was on the ground and very bent. Trap 2 was also bent but was still hanging on the tree. Trap 3 was barely hanging on the tree but was NOT bent. Trap 8 was barely hanging on the tree and one of the nails was pulled out of the tree. Trap 9 was on the ground and all the plastic was ripped out but it was NOT bent. Trap 10 was fine but there was a big pile of fresh bear scat next to it. This site is typically pretty active as far as squirrel activity. I'm not sure if a bear bent the first 2 traps or if a human did...
Red Run site - traps 1-6 were inactive. Trap 7 was on the ground and the plastic was ripped off, it was about 5m from the tree we put it on. Trap 8 is missing completely, I looked everywhere and cannot find it. I'm hoping if Judy goes out with me tomorrow a second pair of eyes will be helpful. Trap 9 was about 20-30m away from the tree we put it on on the ground with the plastic ripped off. Trap 10 was also on the ground about 15m away from the tree we put it on. These ones all seem like bear activity to me given the distances moved, and the plastic being shredded.
I'm going to wait a week before I bait these sites again in hopes that the bears move on from the area. When I bait them again I'm going to move the camera to the area where all this activity happened to make sure it really was a bear if they do come back -- that would be so cool to get a bear on the camera!
Other than the bear excitement I observed a few other species:
Fowler's toad - the Davis Trail
Wood Frog - the Davis Trail
Gray Fox - crossing 32 (that's a road here)
Ruffed grouse - standing on the side of 32
CLR #9
Fresh bear scat!
The Fowler's toad I found today
RR #9
Judy on trail cam!
Me on trail cam
White-tailed deer
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